Integrative Bodywork & Massage Fremantle

Structural Integration (ATSI) is a form of bodywork or massage therapy that improves postural awareness and movement efficiency. 

Repetitive activities, injury or surgery can often form compensatory patterns of strain and tension in our posture and movement over time.

Structural Integration can address these patterns of strain through postural and movement assessments (structural) and specific myofascial ‘release’, which helps restore the body back to its individual place of Balance (integration).

Client’s often comment that they feel lighter, taller and have a greater level of freedom in their body after a session.

Structural Integration sessions come in two formats depending on your individual needs:

  1. Structural Bodywork, best suited for those looking to ease everyday aches and pains.
  2. ATSI 12 session series, best suited for those looking to unwind long-held compensatory patterns of strain and pain in the body over a series of 12 weeks.


New Remedial Massage Therapist Coming Soon

Structural Bodywork treats everyday aches and pains, as well as postural and movement compensations. Treatments assess the structural relationships in the body (posture & movement) & involve soft tissue treatment. 

Structural Integration treats long-held compensatory patterns of strain, chronic pain and movement dysfunction in the body over a series of 12 sessions.

Who am I?

Hi, my name is Lewis!

I’m an Anatomy Trains Structural Integration (ATSI) practitioner and teacher.

I help treat postural and movement compensations and restore body awareness and connection – this helps people feel and move at their best!

Observing postural patterns and the gait cycle (how people walk) is a hobby of mine – I just love people watching. This also informs my clinical practice, the way you move is your posture in motion.

The feet, hips and neck are may favourite areas to treat in clinical practice.

I believe that Bodywork is an amazing way to find your natural place of balance, alignment & movement ease and find long term relief from pain. It’s why I do what I do.

What our clients are saying

T: 0414 567 974

E: [email protected]

3C/352 South Street, O’Connor, Perth, WA, 6163

© Copyright – Balance Integrative Bodywork